Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Basic HTML Tags:

There are really only a few HTML tags (think DDS keyword) that are used over and over on 99 percent of all Web pages. Once we learn them we can do pretty much anything with a web page. Using this we can learn how to take the existing DDS screens and convert them so that they'll run in a Web browser, using the CGI APIs.

Creating a Static HTML Page with Text Formatting:
A basic HTML page consists of opening '(HTML)' and closing '(/HTML)' HTML tags. All the relevant contents need to be placed between these tags.

Adding Text:
Type the following text into Notepad document (or any other text you like):

I am a great HTML programmer!

Click on the Notepad menu item named File, then select Save. When the Save window appears, name your file MYHTML.htm and click on the OK button. This will save your file as an HTML file. You could also have chosen to save it with an HTML extension rather than HTM; most browsers can handle either one.
To view your HTML document, use Windows Explorer to navigate to the folder you saved the MYHTML.htm file into, find this file, and then double click on it. The default Windows browser should open, displaying your new HTML document.

Formatting Text:
Add the following tags:
I am a great HTML programmer!

The tags tell HTML to bold everything between the beginning () and ending () bold tags.
The tags tell HTML to underline everything between the beginning () and ending () underline tags.
The tags tell HTML to italicize everything between the beginning () and ending () italics tags.
The centertags tell HTML to center everything between the beginning (
) and ending (
) center tags.

Creating Table:
HTML tables, at their most basic, are very simple to create. An HTML table consists of an opening ' 'tag and a closing '
'tag. Within the tags, you will create table rows by using the ' and 'tags. To add data elements to a row, use the ' 'tags (which stand for table data). To add a border to your table, so that it appears as if it's in a box, use the'
'parameter on the '
'tag. The format is border="x", where x is a numeric value that specifies the border width. If you make the width "0" or leave the border keyword off, the table will not have a border. And, finally, to add column headings to your table, use the table heading' ( )' tags.
Using Notepad, add the following HTML code to your document:



Adding an Image:
To tell a browser where to find a non-text item, such as an image, you have to include a special tag () that includes a parameter (src=) that tells the browser where the non- text item can be found. In other words, the tag tells the browser the HTTP address, or URL, of the image file.

Adding Hyperlinks:
Links allow you to provide a way for your users to jump from one Web page to another. Links, like all other HTML functions, have their own special tag. That tag is , which stands for "anchor." Every anchor tag contains a parameter that tells the browser where to take the user when he clicks on that link. The parameter "href=" points to the physical location (that is, the HTTP address, or URL) of the HTML page.
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