Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Delivery Option in Lotus Notes Mail:

When you open new Memo you can get this option on the top which holds various options which will be triggered when you send a mail. These options are –
 Setting the importance of the mail, Mood stamps
 Setting various Delivery reports.
 Auto spell check, Return Receipt & Encryption.
 Setting Expiration and Archiving stamp for the recipient.
 Another handy option we have in Advanced Tab which controls the Reply option of a mail. By putting a Person/Group name in Delivery Option the recipient will see whom he has to Reply and it automatically Replies to that person when he selects “Reply” option.
 To know whether a mail has RR, go to document property and check for a field named “Return Receipt”. If the value of the field is “1” that means it has Return Receipt option enabled. Also to stop a Return Receipt, immediately after opening the mail you need to go to Outbox view just under Inbox option and delete that mail.
 Another feature is “Return receipt” which let you know when the recipient has Opened/Marked a mail as “Unread”.
 Another very important feature is “Prevent Copying”. When you do not want the recipient to copy your mail or Forward to someone you can select this option.

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