Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Add Recipients to Group in Address Book:

Either while reading an email message, or when it is selected in a folder/view, choose "Actions - Add Recipients - to new Group in Address Book".

You will be presented with the following dialog box where you enter the group's name, type (normally you just leave this as Mail only), description, and select/de-select with members you want the group to contain.

When you press OK, Lotus Notes will automatically create a new mailing group (some people call them distribution lists) in your Personal Address Book, which you can access from the "Groups" view.

Now when creating an email or calendar entry, you can simply enter the group name instead of typing in all the names individually. For example, if I named the group above "IBM Executive Team", then I could enter than in the To field...

and when I press F9 to refresh the document, the group name will be replaced with the names of the members.

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