Thursday, February 4, 2010

Quickly Manage your Incoming mail:

QuickRule is a Lotus Notes feature, which allows you easily create mail rules, helping you manage the burden of email overload.
Select a message in your mail file, and click "Tools- Create QuickRule..."
The will bring up the Create QuickRule dialog box, and the values from the selected message will be filled in for you automatically.
In section #1, you select the condition(s) you want the rule to match: Sender, Domain, or Subject, the values (pre-filled in for you so no typing errors!) and how they should be evaluated: Contains, Does not contain, Is, or Is not.
In section #2, you decide if the rule must match any one of the conditions or all of the conditions.
In section #3, you define the action to take, such as which folder to move the message into.

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