Monday, June 30, 2008

Running Queries on Remote Database:

Yes, there is a way to write a query on one iSeries server, run it on a database residing on a second iSeries server, and have the resulting report or outfile on the first iSeries. The STRQMQRY command accepts a database name, user and password, and will connect to the remote database for the query execution.

STRQMQRY runs by default Query Management Queries which are created with STRQM -- an excellent alternative to WRKQRY since you can write your own SQL in a query. However, there is an option to run regular queries (of type *QRYDFN) as well. To run a regular query, use the ALWQRYDFN(*YES) option. Thus, a regular query called MYQRY that is to execute on another computer called AS4002 and to print the results on the local machine will be


You have to define AS4002 with the WRKRDBDIRE command before this works.

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