Friday, December 7, 2007

Quick Reference in TAATOOL:


The Display RPG Help tool provides help text and samples for 1) RPG III operation codes and 2) RPG IV operation codes (both fixed and free form), Built-in functions, and H/F/D keywords. DSPRPGHLP provides a command interface to the help text which is normally accessed using SEU.

Other DSPRPGHLP commands include STRRPGHLP and PRTRPGHLP.

Escape messages:
None. Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

Required Parameters:

Keyword (KWD):

The keyword to enter. The default is *ALL and may be used with any of the RPGTYPE entries. Op codes and BIFs are considered keywords.
A Built-in Function may be entered for TYPE (*RPGLEBIF). Because the % sign is not valid when using the prompter with a value such as %ADDR, you must quote the value such as '%ADDR'.


*ALLRPG is the default, but may only be used when KWD (*ALL) is specified.

If the entry is other than *ALLRPG, the KWD value entered must be found in the appropriate group. For example, KWD (ADD) may be entered for an RPGTYPE of *RPG or RPGLEOP, but is not valid for *RPGLEF. If the keyword cannot be found, a special display appears and allows an entry of a correct value.

*RPGLEOP should be entered for RPGLE operation codes.

*RPGLEBIF should be entered for RPGLE Built-in functions.

*RPGLEH should be entered for H Spec keywords.

*RPGLEF should be entered for F Spec keywords.

*RPGLED should be entered for D Spec keywords.

Or just press enter after entering the command DSPRPGHLP.

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