Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Reorganize Physical File Member (RGZPFM):

Records are not physically removed from an Iseries table when using the DELETE opcode. Records are marked as deleted in the tables and the Iseries operating system knows not to allow them to be viewed. Anyway these deleted records stay in your tables and can end of taking up a lot of space if not managed. The way this is typically managed is with the IBM command RGZPFM. This command calls a program that looks for all the records in a specific table that have been marked for deletion and removes them. It then resets the relative record numbers (RRN) of all records in the file and rebuilds all the logical's.
If a keyed file is identified in the Key file (KEYFILE) parameter, the system reorganizes the member by changing the physical sequence of the records in storage to either match the keyed sequence of the physical file member's access path, or to match the access path of a logical file member that is defined over the physical file.
When the member is reorganized and KEYFILE(*NONE) is not specified, the sequence in which the records are actually stored is changed, and any deleted records are removed from the file. If KEYFILE(*NONE) is specified or defaulted, the sequence of the records does not change, but deleted records are removed from the member. Optionally, new sequence numbers and zero date fields are placed in the source fields of the records. These fields are changed after the member has been compressed or reorganized.
For example, the following Reorganize Physical File Member (RGZPFM) command reorganizes the first member of a physical file using an access path from a logical file:
The physical file ORDHDRP has an arrival sequence access path. It was reorganized using the access path in the logical file ORDFILL. Assume the key field is the Order field. The following illustrates how the records were arranged.
The following is an example of the original ORDHDRP file. Note that record 3 was deleted before the RGZPFM command was run:
Relative Record Number Cust Order Ordate
1 41394 41882 072480
2 28674 32133 060280
3 deleted record
4 56325 38694 062780
The following example shows the ORDHDRP file reorganized using the Order field as the key field in ascending sequence:
Relative Record Number Cust Order Ordate
1 28674 32133 060280
2 56325 38694 062780
3 41394 41882 072480

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